Adding backgrounds to spreads

This article is updated for Moments Designer version 1.30 - later versions might differ slightly.

In Moments Designer, you can change the spread background color - paper color - in editor window, from the top bar, Change Background button.

In the color options window that pops up, you can choose your desired color in three different ways:

  • enter the hex color code in the color text field and press OK - ffffff for white, 000000 for black and so on
  • use the red, green, blue sliders to compose your color in a RGB fashion, each color slider can go from 0 to 255. Press OK.
  • color pick with your mouse a color from the color chart below your sliders, or from the three vertical bars corresponding to black, white and gray color shades. Press OK.

This functionality of the color select component is the same when selecting a text color or borders for your photos.

To select a default color for your spreads, go to Album design settings from the left menu bar. In the options window that pops up, change the setting, choose your color. Pressing , all new album pages will have set the background color you selected here by default. Previous album pages will not be affected. To change the background color for all spreads, past and future, in the window, after you selected your pages background color, make sure you select the option checkbox. Hit .

To define a photo as a spread background, on an empty spread, add the desired image from the library onto the spread as normal. Resize it to full spread size if needed. Make it a background image by pressing the icon from the group toolbar. By locking it, you specify that this group is complete, will not accept any more images and you can continue your spread design on top of it by adding new photos from library for example. You can, however, apply masks, overlay effects or frames, add effects, resize it or bring it to front/send to back.

To change the photo set as background, unlock the group first, then drop another photo on to it, from the library. If needed, double click on the photo to bring the group temporarily to front, for better access. Lock it back in place.

Find out more about Moments Designer by checking the product page and the tutorial blog posts related to it.

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